SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries 2024: Financial Assistance in 4 Road Transport Study Fields

About SARF (South African Road Federation)
The South African Road Federation, abbreviated as SARF, is an organization based in South Africa that is dedicated to the advancement of road-related matters. SARF’s primary objective is to promote the development, maintenance, and efficient use of roads and road transportation systems within South Africa. The organization is committed to enhancing road safety, fostering innovation in road construction and management, and advocating for sustainable road infrastructure.
SARF serves as a platform for collaboration among various stakeholders in the road sector, including government agencies, private companies, academic institutions, and professionals involved in road engineering, construction, and management. Through its activities, SARF strives to address challenges, share knowledge, and contribute to the overall improvement of road infrastructure and transportation in the country.
About the SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries 2024
SARF (South African Road Federation) is offering financial assistance for candidates who are keen on obtaining financial aid in multiple road-transport fields. The SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries are contingent on the applicant’s requirements and the Council of the Federation’s decision. However, their purpose is to complement the student’s existing financial resources and may not fully cover all expenditures. The bursary amount will be transferred directly to the relevant academic institution on the bursar’s behalf.
- Bursary recipients will be anticipated to:
- Become associate members of SARF (approximately R730 annual subscription)
- Provide progress reports on their studies every six months
- Be ready to present their study topic to their local Federation branch at a mutually suitable event.
The SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries are available for the fields below:
- Road Engineering (Civil)
- Construction Materials
- Transportation planning
- Construction management
- Pavement engineering
- Bridge engineering
- Traffic engineering
- Environment
- Storm water
- Road Transport Management
- Road Transport Economics
- Road Safety Engineering
Eligibility Criteria
Do you believe you possess the qualifications required to apply for the SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries? Ensure you submit your application promptly! However, before proceeding, you should review the eligibility requirements for the position. These criteria will determine your suitability for the role. To assess your eligibility, examine the criteria listed below. If you aim to enhance your prospects of success, it’s recommended that you fulfill all the conditions provided in the following list.
The SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries Eligibility Criteria are as follows:
- Bursaries are provided for studies at an approved South African university, University of Technology, or equivalent.
- Bursaries are granted to National Diploma students upon passing their first semester (S1) exams and to Degree students upon clearing their first-year exams.
- Preference is given to advanced-level studies like M.Sc., M. Tech., or higher. However, in special cases, applications for undergraduate level may be considered.
- Full-time studies are prioritized, but applications for part-time or distance learning are also evaluated.
- Endorsement from the appropriate academic authority at the chosen institution is required for all applications.
- Applicants must convince the Council that their studies align with the South African road transport industry upon completion.
- When factors are equal, employees of South African Road Federation members are preferred.
- While South African residents are prioritized, individuals from SADC countries are welcome to apply.
Application Instructions
Download the Application Form: SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries 2024.
For optimal access to the mentioned website, it’s advised to utilize Google Chrome.
Complete the application platform by entering your most pertinent details into the designated sections. Ensure that all personal information you provide is accurate and aligns with your current situation.
Once everything is all set, please send in your application forms to the address below:
Postal Carriage:
South African Road Federation
48 Gladiator Street
P. O. Box 8379
TEL: +27 11 394 9025/1459
Upon submitting your applications, you are authorizing the selection committee to employ your personal information for registration purposes.
Applications will undergo additional scrutiny and validation procedures to verify the authenticity of applicants. Individuals discovered to have provided false information in their applications will not be eligible for registration during the designated period.
Applicants are required to utilize the provided online portal for application processing. Submissions through alternate methods such as hand delivery or fax will not be recognized by the selection committee.
Closing Date
Applications for the SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries must be submitted before the closing date on 31 August 2023.
The selection committee has an uncompromising policy against late submissions. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered as part of the registration process.
Applicants are recommended to promptly submit their applications. This will afford you the opportunity to carefully review the contents of your submissions. Please prepare your applications as soon as it is feasible for you.
SARF (South African Road Federation) retains the authority to decide on appointments as part of the hiring process. The determinations made by the selection committee are conclusive and binding.
Committee Details
Do you require any clarifications about the SARF (South African Road Federation) Bursaries? Please don’t hesitate to inquire. Feel welcome to forward your questions and uncertainties to the individual mentioned as the contact point below:
Email address: [email protected]
Im Sthembile Biyela i am interested in working with you ,i am final LLB student in 2023 .