North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership 2023: Receive Stipend of R4 429.95/month

About the North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development
In order to promote sustainable agricultural and rural development, the North West Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development seeks to collaborate with partners. The Department’s strategic goals include reviewing and developing legislative and policy instruments, creating and implementing capacity-building initiatives, creating and implementing plans for service delivery programs.

Additionally, the department is set on improving extension and advisory services, ensuring that legislative and policy instruments are implemented, conducting appropriate research and technology transfer, creating service delivery partnerships, ensuring business management and leadership, and implementing resource management. In the end, the department’s goal is to modernize the agricultural industry via research and technological development, while also ensuring sustainable food security, socioeconomic growth, and economic expansion.

About the North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership 2023
The North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development is seeking capable unemployed youths to participate in their fruitful X20 learnership positions. The North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership an outstanding program that gives you the groundwork for this industry.

You will follow a defined curriculum that alternates between theoretical exams and hands-on training sessions performed in actual workplace settings throughout the duration of the program. As you proceed toward a qualification, you will be urged to demonstrate significant improvement under the direction of qualified training providers.

The learnership is available in the following locations:

  • Head Office – Ref No: DARD/SCM/HO/01
  • Ngaka Modiri Molema – Ref No: DARD/SCM/NMM/05
  • Ruth S. Mompati – Vryburg – Ref No: DARD/SCM/RSM/06
  • Bojanala-Rustenburg – Ref No: DARD/SCM/BJN/03
  • Dr Kenneth Kaunda – Ref No: DARD/SCM/KK/04
  • Taung Agricultural College – Ref No: DARD/SCM/TAC/02

The North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership takes place for a total period of 12 months. Selected applicants will be entitled to a learnership stipend of R4 429.95/month.

Eligibility Criteria
Candidates interested in the North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership must fulfill an eligibility criteria before proceeding with their applications. Each of these items below will determine whether you have what it takes to proceed with this position. To guarantee a successful application, candidates are advised to meet all of the following requirements. Failure to do so will cause disadvantageous consequences towards the overall result of your applications. Be sure to jot down these items for personal reference.

The North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership Eligibility Criteria are as follows:

  • Has a Grade 12 or Matric qualification
  • Officially recognized as a citizen of South Africa
  • Currently between 18 to 35 years old
  • Residing within the North West Province.

Application Instructions
Download the Official Z83 Form: North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership 2023.

Please download the application form and type your most pertinent comments into the corresponding fields. All of the personal data you provide must be true and relevant to your current situation.

The entire selection committee, which includes you, will review the information you submit. You should therefore double-check to make sure there are no false statements.

Candidates must send in their applications either through Post or Hand Delivery. Please refer to the addresses below:
Postal Carriage:
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development,
Private Bag x2039,

Hand Delivery: Directorate: Human Resource Development, First Floor, Office No. 121, Agricentre Building, Cnr Dr James Moroka and Stadium Road, Mmabatho.

When sending in your applications, please put in the Reference Number and your desired position. This will help the selection committee easily identify your applications.

You hereby authorize the selection committee to use your personal information for registration purposes by sending in your applications.

The legitimacy of the candidates will be confirmed by extra examination and vetting procedures for applications. During the registration period, anyone discovered to have lied about anything on their application would not be permitted to register.

The candidate must properly sign and initial each application for job form. The application may be rejected throughout the selection process if this form is not signed.

Closing Date
Applications for the North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership must be submitted before the closing date on 09 December 2022.

You may guarantee that your application is approved as soon as possible by registering as soon as you can. This is just meant to give you a stable position while you are being recruited; it does not, however, guarantee immediate success.

The selection committee will not review applications submitted by candidates beyond the deadline. Regardless of their substance, all entries submitted after the deadline will be promptly dismissed.

North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development has the right to offer or deny employment to anybody at its discretion. The selecting committee’s judgments are final and binding on all parties involved.

Committee Details
Do you have a question regarding the North West Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development Learnership? Don’t hesitate to ask! Feel free to send in your enquiries and concerns to the contact person below:
Telephone Number: +27 18 389 5041 (Ms M. F. Mpa)


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