City of Tshwane Apprenticeships 2025: Opportunities for 120 Candidates with N2 Qualification/NCV Level 4/Technical Matric

About the City of Tshwane
The City of Tshwane is a growing municipality based in the area of Gauteng. Home to a large number of embassies, and a colour heritage, the city has been sprawling with tons of historical architecture and culture. Taking pride in their combination of old meets new, the City of Tshwane takes a modern stride in their ways.

About the City of Tshwane Apprenticeships 2025
The City of Tshwane is offering apprenticeships for 120 applicants who are interested in obtaining practical working experience in a variety of departments. The City of Tshwane Apprenticeships is currently available for the following fields:

  • Boilermaking (15)
  • Fitting & Turning (15)
  • Plumbing (15)
  • Vehicle Mechanics (30)
  • Welding (15)
  • Electrical (30).

Recipients of the apprenticeships will be entitled to a monthly stipend of R2 792,44 per month. If you think you have what it takes to participate in this programme, feel free to register for the City of Tshwane Apprenticeships.

Eligibility Criteria
First and foremost, you must familiarize yourself with the City of Tshwane Apprenticeships’ eligibility standards. Each of these criteria will influence whether or not you would be an excellent candidate. In case you’d want to double-check your credentials, please refer to the list of qualifying prerequisites provided below. Ideally, if you want to enhance your chances of success, you should be able to meet all of the requirements on the following list.

The City of Tshwane Apprenticeships Eligibility Criteria are as follows:

  • Possesses an N2 qualification with Maths, Science, and relevant trade theory, NCV Level 4 or Technical Matric qualification
  • Be interested in becoming a qualified artisan
  • Shows enthusiasm towards the programme
  • Special school applicants: must possess Grade 10 qualification with Mathematics, Science, and technical subjects
  • Note: electrician candidates should obtain at least 40% or more in Mathematics and Science
  • Preference will be offered to Previously Disadvantaged Individuals and Women.

Application Instructions
Apply online:

Candidates will need to send in the following documents:

  • Your most updated Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • A certified copy of your most recent statements of results
  • Certified copies of your qualification certificates and other relevant qualifications
  • Legitimate proof of residence that has been accredited by the ward councilor/recent water and lights statement.

All these documents should be included in your applications. Incomplete applications will be disqualified by the selection committee.

Alternatively you can hand deliver your applications to the address below:
Group Human Capital Management (Human Resources Management)
Tshwane Leadership and Management Academy
11 Staatsartillerie Road
Philip Nel Park

GPS coordinates
25°44’17.0″S 28°09’51.1″E

The information you provide will be reviewed by the whole selection committee, which will include you. As a result, you should double-check to ensure that there is no fictitious information. If there is any evidence that applicants are giving false information, they may be placed in a hazardous position.

By submitting your applications, you are granting permission to the selection committee to use your personal information for the purpose of registering you for the event.

Candidates are required to submit their applications via the methods linked to above. Attempts to submit materials via other means, such as email or fax, will be rejected by the selection committee.

Closing Date
Applications for the City of Tshwane Apprenticeships must be submitted before the closing date on 10 February 2025.

By enrolling as quickly as possible, you can ensure that your application is secured as soon as possible. However, this does not guarantee instant success and is just intended to provide you with a secure position throughout the recruiting process.

Candidates that submit their applications after the deadline will not be considered by the selection committee. All entries received after the deadline will be immediately rejected, regardless of their content.

Announcements will only be made to shortlisted candidates only. Should you not hear back from the selection committee within 3 months past the closing date, we regret to inform you that you have not been chosen for the programme.

The City of Tshwane has the right to offer or deny employment to anybody at its discretion. The selecting committee’s judgments are final and binding on all parties involved.

Committee Details
Do you have a question regarding the City of Tshwane Apprenticeships? Don’t hesitate to ask! Feel free to send in your enquiries and concerns to the contact person below:
Telephone Numbers: +27 12 358 7514 (Mr A Thifhulufhelwi) / +27 12 358 4125 (Ms E Kolobe).


  1. I have an N1 on Electrical Engineering so I was hoping to participate in this program….Am I qualified with my N1??

  2. I’m interested for boilermaking
    I’m silence mbungele from gauteng province
    I’m hard work and quick understanding
    Contact number -/-

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