AgriSETA Opens Bursaries, Internships, Artisan Development, and Graduate Placement 2021-2022

About Agriculture Sector Education Training Authority (AgriSETA)
The Agriculture Sector Education Training Authority, or commonly referred to as simply AgriSETA, is an establishment that provides an abundance of opportunities for South Africa’s agri-entriprises. AgriSETA is formed through the Skills Development Act of 1998 and is designed to offer quality agricultural education through a more accessible means,hence its status as a Sector Education and Training Authority. The purpose of educating young local individuals is to ensure that they can develop their potential and become the next-generation contributors towards South Africa’s socio-economic growth.
AgriSETA has successfully launched multiple initiatives that promotes their missions, including learnerships, training sessions, skills development programmes, and financial assistance through bursaries. Additionally, AgriSETA also accommodates internships, apprenticeships, and mentorships. All of these programmes are typically created for those who have not been employed by a certain company. To better their chances of receiving fruitful employment, individuals are equipped with the necessary facilities and resources in order to progress in the long run. After all, as stated in their vision, AgriSETA aims to strengthen the nation’s agricultural sector.
AgriSETA Bursaries, Internships, Artisan Development, and Graduate Placement Programmes 2020-2021
AgriSETA is opening up bursaries, internships, artisan development, and graduate placement programmes for passionate, South African agriculture enthusiasts. The AgriSeta Programmes is opening up this list of opportunities for all people coming from different demographics. Whether you are a student studying in an Agricultural College, a member of an accredited NGO, or from a small BEE firm, you are invited to upskill yourself through any one of these allocated initiatives. AfriSETA is the perfect chance for you to not only develop yourself as a practitioner in this sector, but it will transform you into a better working asset in the future career markets.
With the overwhelming popularity surrounding the AgriSETA Pogrammes, only participants who are engaged in scarce skills as well as the programmes stated in the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP). On top of that, selected participants will be entitled to financial assistance, with differing amounts depending on the programme you choose to participate. The funding categories are as listed below:
Bursary Programmes
R39 750.00 (Under Graduate)/participant
R63 600.00 (Post Graduate)/participant
Artisan Development Programmes
R55 000.00/participant
Internship/Graduate Placement Programmes
R47 700.00/participant
Eligibility Criteria
In order to register for the AgriSETA Bursaries, Internships, Artisan Development and Graduate Placement Programmes 2020-2021, there are a list of requirements that must be fulfilled. With multiple programmes available for the taking, there are also differing criteria for each opportunity as well. Therefore, make sure you take note of the relevant requirements that you will need to meet. Otherwise, if all of the items are not met, your applications may lose its chances of success.
The AgriSETA Bursaries, Internships, Artisan Development, and Graduate Placement Programmes 2020-2021 Requirements are as follows:
1. General Qualifications
- Candidates must adhere to the chosen programmes that are mentioned in the Scarce and Critical Skills and Priority Programmes List
- Owns a legitimate SARS (South African Revenue Service) VAT Certificate, which will be submitted alongside your other important documents and agreements
- Preference will be offered towards specialists involved in programmes that are currently in huge need in the agricultural department
- Both employed and unemployed applicants are welcome to apply.
2. Bursaries
- Applicants must not be receiving any form of funding from other Government establishments
- Unemployed applicants must have an agricultural-related qualification
- Employed applicants will need to limit their expenses that have to do with the programme they are undertaking
- Businesses that pay levies must participate in other opportunities that are related to their line of work.
3. Artisan Development
- Applicants must be willing to register for trades.
4. Internships/Graduate Placement
- Internship applicants will need to show proof that they require the work exposure in order to receive their educational qualification
- Graduate Placement applicants will need to show proof that they have already obtained their educational qualification and will need this work exposure to earn a better chance in receiving future employment.
Application Instructions
Download application forms online: AgriSETA Bursaries, AgriSETA Internships, AgriSETA Artisan Development, AgriSETA Graduate Placement.
Make sure that you download the appropriate application form based on the programme that you are registering for. Once you have obtained it, all application forms must be filled in with accurate, personal information. Candidate discovered to be falsifying any parts of their applications, or sending in incomplete forms, will automatically be disqualified from the application procedure.
After your applications are all set, send them in to any one of these e-mail addresses below (according to the programme of your choice):
- Bursaries – [email protected]
- Internships – [email protected]
- Artisan Development – [email protected]
- Graduate Placement – [email protected]
Closing Date
All applications forms must be sent in before the closing date on 15 September 2020 at 16:30. Registrants are invited to submit their forms as applications are already from from 1 August 2020. As the selection has zero tolerance for lateness, applications sent past the closing date will automatically be disregarded.
Important Notes
- All applications must be sent in through online, e-mail mediums – this is to ensure that no documents are lost in the application procedure
- All applications must be complete without any missing documents or information
- Submitted personal information will be subject to further evaluation and verification held by the selection committee
- Candidates who send in their applications through hand-delivery will not be regarded by the selection committee
- Candidates who do not send in their legitimate tax certificate will lose their chances of acceptance into the programme of their choice
- Announcements will only be made to applicants who have been shortlisted
- The committee will make their announcements by the very latest 11-13 November – should you not hear back from the committee by then, we regret to inform you that you have not been selected.
Should you have any further enquiries or concerns about the application procedure or the programmes in general, you can send in your questions to these following contact persons listed below:
- Graduate Placement/Internship/Bursaries – Ms Granny Choeu – 012-301 5602
[email protected] - Artisan Development – Mr Mashilo Moroko – 012- 301 5627 [email protected]
AgriSETA Contact Details
Physical Address: Arcadia House 529, Belvedere Street, Arcadia, 0083
Postal Address: P.O. Box 23378, Gezina, 0031
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: +27 12 301 5600
I’m interested in the program. I’m currently unemployed
Hi .iam interested in this this internship as i lke futhering my studies and be more knowlegeble .my na name is Helen motau my number is –